Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Physical Injury To The Brain Affect Overall Function Coursework

Essays on Physical Injury To The Brain Affect Overall Function Coursework Brain Injury of Different Lobes Different parts of brain are responsible for various functions in human body: some control vision, other take care of muscles work. Still there are numerous body functions the centers of which seem to be located in several parts of the brain. Obviously, injury or trauma of some part of brain will result in the impairment of certain function. Frontal lobe is responsible for various types of control. When it is injured the person may find it hard to make decision, solve problems, and sequence certain tasks. It is also more difficult to concentrate attention and control one`s personality because of unpredictability and spontaneity. Verbal expression of an individual is impaired and it gets harder and harder to control one`s emotions (Brain Injury, 2012).Temporal lobe injury often results in people decreased understanding of spoken word. Moreover, it is hard for many to deliberately pay attention to certain things so selective attention is weak. Sexual beh aviour changes: the appetites might increase enormously or it can vanish totally. A person with injured temporal lobe is often more aggressive. Identification and categorization of different objects becomes a complicated task. A person may also find it hard recognize people`s faces and find the objects in space.Parietal lobe is responsible for higher cognitive functions so the person with the injury in this part may have decreased cognitive abilities. Memory, attention, analytical skills are impaired and person`s academic success may suffer. Orientation in space, tactile processing may also be impaired. Injury in occipital lobe results in problems with vision: identifying colors, locating objects, writing, and reading (Brain Injury Recourses Guide, 2014).Cerebellum is responsible for motor activity and the injury of this part of the brain results in difficulty with keeping balance, equilibrium and overall orientation in space. Brain stem is crucial for the work of the body. It contr ols body temperature, heart rate, breathing and swallowing. Impairment of these functions cause many troubles as they are often taken for granted.ReferencesBrain Injury Recourses Guide (2014). Center for Neuro Skills. Retrieved from: Injury (2012). Brain Injury Institute. Retrieved from:

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Women Are Living Longer Than Men - 2230 Words

Women are living longer than men but is there a widening gap of health outcomes between men and women? Can this gender gap in mortality/morbidity effects be explained by the gender paradox? This essay will analyze whether the gender paradox can explain the health outcomes of men and women and what the causes of the gender paradox are exactly. The gender paradox theorizes that men are more likely to die earlier compared to women, however women report higher morbidity levels and indicate diminished quality of life over men (Rieker et. al 2005)(Arber et. al 1999)(Macintyre et. al 1996). Researchers state the reasons for the gender gap could be the larger population of women compared to men, gender differences in cardiovascular diseases and immune function and disorders, gender differences in mental health issues, and age-related diseases that impact their health and are the leading age-adjusted causes of death for men and women (Rieker et. al 2005) (Gurung 2010). The paradox has been qu estioned in recent years suggesting there are smaller indications of the gender disparities in health relative to mortality and morbidity in both genders (Macintyre et. al 1996) Although cardiovascular diseases have a greater prevalence in men, a majority of women die of the disease because of their superior life expectancy and the range of CVD risk factors from aging. The gender difference in years lived with the cardiovascular disease is seen in greater cases of women than years of lifeShow MoreRelatedLife Styles And Income Of Individuals And Their Households1557 Words   |  7 Pagesgender difference that will arise between men and women. We all understand that paid employment is a major source of every household’s income and the pay that each individual receives is greatly influenced by the type of job. â€Å"Gender matters in pay too (Callaghan :2012, p62)† this shows that women in the UK on average are paid less this is due to women are concentrated more on lower paid jobs because men are placed more in senior management position’s while women would be placed more in a secretarialRead MoreSummary Of The American Family By Step hanie Coontz908 Words   |  4 Pagestaken for granted. Humans are beginning to wish they could live in the past, while others just want to skip over to the future but what ever happened to living right now? Or living in the moment? In the story, â€Å"The American Family†, by Stephanie Coontz, she discusses why so many individuals believe American families are facing worse issues now than in the past. She discusses how in the previous years, it was far worse and explains why those people are wrong to assume they are facing worse problemsRead MoreThe Poverty Of Older Women1304 Words   |  6 Pagesdisparities between unmarried women, women who are married, and those who are divorced or separated later in life. Each of these women will experience a different standard of living and financial well-being based on the circumstances of their life course. (193) In 2008 women living alone had the highest rate of low income with an after tax poverty rate of 18% for women and 12% f or men. Studies show that separated and divorced women are the poorest of all older unattached women in Canada and the groupRead MoreThe Social Factor Of Women1502 Words   |  7 PagesGender Women have a higher rate of illness compared to men, even though they have a higher life expectancy. The social factor identifies as contributory reasons to this are: risk factor, economic, impact of female in the family. Gender Domination theories go more than theories of gender difference and gender inequality by arguing that not only are women are unequal to men, but that they are actively worried, also in lower in rank or position, and even abused by men. Radical feminists argueRead MoreThe Poverty Of Older Women1415 Words   |  6 PagesStudies have shown economic disparities between married women, unmarried women, and those who are divorced or separated later in life. Each of these women will experience a different standard of living and financial well-being based on the circumstances of their life course (Davies Denton, 2002). In 2008 women living alone had the highest rate of low income with an after-tax poverty rate of 17%, while men had a 12% after-tax poverty rate (Milan Vezina, 2011, as cited in Novak, Campbell, NorthcottRead MoreY the Last Man1405 Words   |  6 PagesJ Boogy Anthropology 101 12/5/09 Y: The Last Man Essay The graphic novel Y: The Last Man by Brian K. Vaughn and Pia Guerra is an interesting story of an epidemic that took place that killed every sperm, fetus, and living mammal with a Y chromosome. This is particularly interesting because if every male human and mammal were to die what would the world be? How would culture change not only in our country but also in every country across the world? Before reading this graphic novel I never would’veRead MoreThe Wages For Equal Wages924 Words   |  4 PagesMind the (Pay) Gap Men in Travis Country, and all over the United States, are almost always paid higher wages than their female coworkers for doing the same work. Women have been fighting for equal rights and equal pay since the 19th century and it is about time women and men doing the same job are paid the same amount. The solution to this is simple: pay women and men equal wages for equal work. This would seem to be common sense, but it is still something we are fighting for. 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Working class people carry this stigma due to their living conditions and lifestyles, and it is doctors who are mainly responsible for this labelling. It would appear that doctors now look at the social class instead of the symptoms to give a diagnosis. It is apparent that the view upon theRead MoreGender Equality : Women And Women1570 Words   |  7 Pagescultures across the world there has been an imbalance between the roles of men and women in society. Women, in particular, have had a difficult time being treated with the same respect and privileges as men. In society today gender equality as become less of an issue because women have fought hard to be where they are today. Starting from early civilization, men have held the power within government and society, while women have been seen as housewives. This can be seen through many literary works

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Briar Rose Essay Research Paper free essay sample

Briar Rose Essay, Research Paper # 8220 ; Briar Rose # 8221 ; is the authoritative fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty semen to life. And what a life it is taken from her household, concealed manner from her destine. Merely for destiny to come and step in. The narrative Tells of faeries and prognostications. The writer Anne Sexton, speaks of an sleepless laying awake at dark in # 8220 ; Briar Rose # 8221 ; See a miss who keeps stealing off, weaponries limp as old carrots, into a hypnotizer # 8217 ; s enchantment, into a spirit universe talking with the gift of linguas. she is stuck in the clip machine, all of a sudden two old ages sucking her pollex, inward as a snail, larning to speak once more. She # 8217 ; s on a ocean trip. She swimming farther and further back, / up like a salmon, fighting into her female parent # 8217 ; s pocketbook. Small doll kids, come to Papa. Sit on my articulatio genus. I have a buss for the dorsum of your cervix. We will write a custom essay sample on Briar Rose Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A penny for your ideas, Princess. I will run them like emeralds. Come be my snookie and I will give you a root. That sort of ocean trip, rank as honeysuckle. Once a male monarch had a christening for his girl Briar Rose and because he had merely 12 gold home bases he asked merely 12 faeries to he expansive event. The 13th faery, her fingers as long and thin as straws, her eyes burnt by coffin nails, her womb an empty teacup, arrived with an evil gift. She made the prognostication: The princess shall prick herself on a whirling wheel in her 15th twelvemonth and so fall dead Kaput! The tribunal fell silent. The male monarch looked like Mook # 8217 ; s Scream. Fairies prophesies in times like those held H2O. However the twelfth faery had a certain sort of eraser and therefore mit-I-gated the expletive. altering that decease into a 100 twelvemonth slumber. The male monarch ordered every spinning wheel Exterminated and Briar Rose grew to be a goddess and each dark the male monarch spot the hem of her gown to maintain her safe. He fastened the Moon up with a safety pin to give her a ageless visible radiation. He force every male in the count to scour his lingua with Bab # 8211 ; O lest they poison the air she dwell in. Therefore she dwelt in his olfactory property. Rank as honeysuckle. On her 15th birthday she pricked her finger on a spinning wheel and the redstem storksbills stopped Yes so. She went to kip the male monarch and queen went to kip, the courtiers, the flies on the wall. The fire in the fireplace grew still And the joint meat stopped crepitating. The trees turned into metal and the Canis familiariss became China. They all lay in a enchantment, each a catatonic stuck in a clip machine. Even toads were living deads. Merely a clump of sweetbrier rose grew organizing a great wall of tacks around the palace. Many princes tried to acquire through the brambles for they had heard much of Briar Rose but they had non scoured their linguas so they were held by the irritants and therefore were crucified. In due clip a hundred old ages passed and a prince got through. The sweetbrier parted as if for Moses and the prince found the tableau integral. He kissed Briar Rose and she woke up weeping: Daddy! Daddy! Presto! She # 8217 ; s out of prison! She married the prince and all went good except for the fright # 8211 ; the fright of slumber. Briar Rose was an sleepless person. . . She could non catch a wink or lie in slumber without the tribunal chemist blending her some knock out beads and neer in the presence of the prince. If it is to come, she said, sleep must take me unawares while I am express joying or dancing so that I do non woolgather, for when I do I see the tabular array set and a wavering hag at my topographic point, her eyes burnt by coffin nails as she eats betrayal like a piece of meat. I must non kip for while asleep I # 8217 ; m 90 and believe I # 8217 ; m deceasing. Death rattlings in my pharynx like a marble. I wear tubings like earrings. I lie every bit still as a saloon Fe. You can lodge a acerate leaf through my patella and I won # 8217 ; t wince I # 8217 ; m all shoot up with Novocain. This enchantment miss is yours to make with. You could put her in a grave. And shovel soil on her face and she # 8217 ; d neer name back: Hello at that place! But if you kiss her on the oral cavity her eyes would jump unfastened and she # 8217 ; d name out: Dad! Dad! Presto! She # 8217 ; s out of prison. There was a larceny. That much I am told. I was abandoned. That much I know. I was forced frontward I was forced rearward I was passed from manus to manus like a bowl of fruit. Each dark I am nailed into topographic point and bury who I am. Daddy? There # 8217 ; s another sort of prison, It # 8217 ; s non the prince at all, but the male parent, drunkenly set over my bed, circling the abysm like a shark, my male parent midst upon me like a kiping Portuguese man-of-war What ocean trip this, miss? God aid # 8211 ; this life after decease? 31b

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Rise of Nationalism

Introduction Nationalism can be defined as the attitude or feeling that people from a given nation have in regard to their national identity or the actions taken by people of a particular nation in an effort to establish their identity and self determination (Anonymous, 2001).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Rise of Nationalism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Nationalism has various effects to the people involved and this paper looks into the effects of nationalism on the roles of the working class, women, and minorities in an effort to achieve political power through both peaceful and violent revolutions during the period of 1789-1871 and the implications of the changing roles in various countries in Western Europe. Background Information Nationalism was a concept that existed in most parts of Europe and is considered to be very important in the history and development of Europe to the current state. I t is considered to be primarily a phenomenon of Western Europe. It started in Germany and was later adopted in Italy, France, Spain and England. There was the formation of many nationalistic and socialistic political parties in places like Spain, Romania, Germany and Italy among other places. Most of the parties however were not very successful and failed after a short time with some exception of those in places like Italy and Germany. This is as a result of use of violence by most of the parties a practice that led to intervention by law enforcers where actions were taken to stop the parties’ activities as they were considered a threat to the society. Many revolutions were involved in the spread of nationalism ideologies, for instance, the French revolution and more revolutions kept on emerging the most notable one being those that took place in 1848 (Leoussi, 2001). How The Rise Of Nationalism Affected The Efforts Of The Working Class, Women, And Minorities To Achieve Polit ical Power By Both Peaceful And Violent Revolution During The Period Of 1789-1871 The rise of nationalism had both positive and negative effects to the nations in which it was experienced. This was mostly seen in different people in the society in their efforts to attain political power for instance those who held different working positions, women and also the minorities in the nations. The political power was meant to be achieved through peaceful revolutions and also through revolutions where some violence was involved.Advertising Looking for research paper on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The French revolution of 1789 marked the beginning of the effects of nationalism in Europe. Liberal nationalism brought about the issue of right to vote. The right to vote and get political power through election was only granted to the working men or those who owned property. In most instances, women were reduced to the level o f minors and were expected to respect and work under the authority of men such as their husbands and fathers. The women were also given the roles of mothers and protecting the health of family and faced a lot of bad treatment for instance beatings, torture, rape and even sometimes murder. This led to the formation of opposition movements by the women and the men who owned no property throughout the nineteenth century and in the early years of the twentieth century. The movements were aimed at fighting for equal political powers and rights (Chimisso, 2003). Nationalism also affected the minorities as it became a critical political aspect in which everyone in the nations was interested especially in regard to fighting for political rights and powers. As opposed to the traditional way where the minority ethnic groups sought to preserve and keep for themselves their attributes for instance in regard to political, cultural, religious and even linguistic practices they now had the urge to join efforts by coming together so as to fight for their rights and privileges in the nations. They became aware of the importance of attaining political autonomy and the creation of distinct and independent nation-states and hence they fought for the same although it was not granted immediately since the European integration lessened the opportunity and chances for separate statehood and transfer from one state to another. However, there have been many parties formed by the minority and they have had a major impact on the territorial organization of sovereign states in Europe especially Western Europe as they have become very strong and successful and their presence cannot be ignored or underemphasized (Musgrave, 2000). Although the effects of nationalism in Europe seemed to be positive at the beginning of the various revolutions, there were negative impacts that were associated with it and towards the end of the ninetieth century, the ideologies of nationalism seemed to have lost their positive motives and the energies they had in the beginning. Most of the nationalist movements and groups had conflicts and could not tolerate each other and chances of war among them were very high at all times (Anonymous, 2009). The Changing Roles of the Working Class, Women, and Minorities during this Period There are notable changes in the roles of different people in the society for instance the minorities, the women and the working class during the period in which nationalism took place and also thereafter as they all became enlightened and were aware of their social, economic and most importantly the political rights and could hence fight for them whenever they were denied through the movements and unions they had established and developed.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Rise of Nationalism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The women were rated very low in status and they were discriminate d in many aspect of life including cultural, social, and political fields. The role of women towards the end of the eighteenth century to the end of the nineteenth century changed drastically and they became more important and public as opposed to when they were associated only with domestic affairs like marriages, child bearing, and taking care of their husband and family and nothing of public importance. They also had very limited freedom on matters of political and economic essence as they could also not be involved in economic issues or activities that would generate some income for them or even secure job opportunities in the major fields of the economy in their respective countries. They also had no right to vote or acquire property even after marriage and were liable to beatings from their husbands as they were considered subordinate to them and hence under their control. Nationalism brought with it some form of independence to the women and their domestic responsibilities ch anged along with their economic independence. The women could now demand greater political presence to compliment their raised social standards. They could also secure job employment and deal with both the domestic and office responsibilities which were not permitted in earlier centuries. The role of the minorities including the refugees and the small ethnic groups also changed significantly as they now had a voice in the affairs of the nations as opposed to when their rights were denied and faced discrimination from the majorities. Their power was based on their unity through the groups, movements and parties they formed as a means through which they could demand for their rights. They now could have voting rights and enjoy other political rights and privileges as they became actively involved in the nation’s activities. The roles of the working class and the men did not change greatly as in the first place they also had political freedom and the only change here was to acce pt that the minorities and the women had also gained power and freedom. Implications of the Changing Roles in Different Countries The changing roles of the women, the minorities and even the working class were not without implications in the different countries or nations where nationalism was experienced. The general implications of the changing roles of different people in the society were attainment of some degree of equality among the men, women and the minority where everybody archived some form of social and political freedom and could therefore not be undermined by the majority in any way. It also led to increased productivity in the different countries as everyone became actively involved in the activities that led to development in the economic, social and political sectors of the nation. There was also added pressures to the governing forces as they had to incorporate the political changes especially the running of the new formed nation-states into the central structure of the government (Chimisso, 2003).Advertising Looking for research paper on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Reference List Anonymous (2001). Nationalism. Retrieved from Anonymous (2009). Nationalism in Europe. Web. Chimisso, C. (2003). Exploring European Identities. New York: Open University Worldwide Ltd. Leoussi, S.A. (2001). Encyclopedia of Nationalism. London: Transaction Publishers. Musgrave, D.T. (2000). Self- Determination and National Minorities. New York: Oxford University Press. This research paper on Rise of Nationalism was written and submitted by user Lilandra to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. 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